Ryan Wells

AGE: 32

Height: 6’1

Weight: 92kg

AFFILIATE: CrossFit Coventry

Why CrossFit?

I was introduced to CrossFit by some US Marines while I was serving in Afghanistan with the Royal Marines. I used it as part of my training for playing Rugby, but then eventually
retired from playing and focused primarily on competing at CrossFit.

When you’re not in the box?

I’m the head coach at CrossFit Coventry so pretty much live in the box, if i’m not training I’ll usually be coaching. Failing that I just hang out with my friends, watch films and try to
avoid eating too much Ben & Jerry’s!

What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Favourite Quote?

Work hard, Stay humble.


2nd Place Rainhill trails 2017

3rd Body Power Games 2017 (Team)



Clean & Jerk – 150kg

Back Squat – 201kgs

Snatch – 120kgs

Deadlift – 245kgs